2023.03.31 15:11
부경대 동문들, 대학 교수 임용 - 미국 버지니아 공과대학교 등
△ (위 왼쪽부터) 아리아 수단슈, 장원제, 최우영 동문, (아래 왼쪽부터) 이경훈, 박수봉, 김동현 동문.
부경대학교 동문들의 국내외 대학교수 임용 소식이 잇따랐다.
대학원 정보통신공학과 박사과정을 졸업한 아리아 수단슈(Arya Sudhanshu) 동문(17학번)은 지난 2월 말 미국 버지니아 공과대학교(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) 연구교수로 부임했다.
박사학위를 받고 정보통신공학전공의 이동광무선 통신시스템 연구실(지도교수 정연호)에서 전임연구원으로 활동한 아리아 씨는 광산란통신 분야를 연구하며 SCI 논문 29편 발표, 2020 공과대학 우수공학도상과 2018 ICGHIT 우수논문상 수상 등 우수한 연구성과를 인정받은 바 있다.
3월 1일자로 모교 교수로 부임한 동문도 많았다. 제어계측공학과를 졸업한 최우영 동문(08학번)은 한양대 석·박사과정과 계명대 조교수를 거쳐 모교 제어계측공학전공 조교수로 임용됐다. 해양생산시스템공학과를 졸업한 이경훈 동문(91학번)은 부경대 석사과정과 홋카이도 박사과정, 전남대 부교수를 거쳐 모교 해양생산시스템관리학부 부교수로 임용됐다.
해양생산시스템관리학부를 졸업한 박수봉 동문(06학번)도 부경대에서 석·박사학위를 받고 국립수산과학원 해양수산연구사를 지낸 후 모교 해양생산시스템관리학부 조교수로 임용됐다. 조선해양시스템공학과 김동현 동문(04학번)은 부경대 석·박사과정과 한국조선해양기자재연구원 책임연구원을 거쳐 모교 기계조선에너지시스템공학전공 조교수(산학협력중점교수)로 임용됐다. 생물공학과 장원제 동문(09학번)은 동의대학교 바이오의약공학전공 조교수로 이달 임용됐다. 생물정보학 분야를 연구하는 장원제 동문은 부경대 석·박사과정을 졸업하고 해양생명과학연구소 전임연구원으로 활동했다.
News of the appointment of domestic and foreign university professors by Pukyong National University has arrived. Alumni Arya Sudhanshu, a School of Information and Communication Engineering graduate started his American career as a research professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in late February.
Arya, a Ph.D. and a full-time researcher at the Mobile Optical Wireless Communication System Laboratory (Advisory Professor Chung Yeon-ho,) has been recognized for his excellent research achievements, including 29 SCI papers, the 2020 Engineering Prize, and the 2018 ICGHIT Paper Award.
Jang Won-je, an alumnus of the Department of Biological Engineering at Dongui University appointed as an assistant professor of medical engineering this month. Jang Won-je, an alumnus who studies the field of bioinformatics, graduated from Pukyong National University with a master's and doctorate and worked as a full-time researcher at the Institute of Marine Life Sciences.
As of March 1, many people became professors of their alma mater. Choi Woo-young, a Department of Control Measurement Engineering graduate, was appointed as an assistant professor of Control Measurement Engineering at his alma mater after serving as an Assistant Professor at Hanyang University's master's and doctorate courses and Keimyung University.
Lee Kyung-hoon, a Department of Marine Production Systems Engineering graduate, was appointed as an associate professor of marine production systems management at his alma mater after a master's degree at Pukyong University, a Ph.D. in Hokkaido, Japan, and an Associate Professor at Chonnam National University. Park Soo-bong, a Department of Marine Production Systems Management graduate, was appointed as an assistant professor at his alma mater's Department of Marine Production Systems Management after receiving a master's and doctorate from Pukyong University.
Kim Dong-hyun, an alumnus of the Department of Shipbuilding and Marine Systems Engineering, was appointed as an assistant professor of mechanical and shipbuilding energy system engineering at his alma mater after a master's and doctorate course at Pukyong University and a senior researcher at the Korea Institute of Shipbuilding and Materials.