Yeon Ho Chung, Ph.D., D.I.C.
Professor, Dept. of Information and Communications Eng.
Pukyong National University
E-mail address : yhchung[at]pknu.ac.kr
Office phone : +82 51 629-6236
Mailing Address :
Dept. of Information and Commnications Eng.
Pukyong National University,
45, Yongso-Ro, Nam-Gu, Busan 48513, Korea (South)
Educational Background
1984 Kyungpook National University, Korea (BEng.)
1992 Imperial College London, U.K. (MSc.)
1996 The University of Liverpool, U.K. (Ph.D.)
Work Experience
1994-1996, Freshfield Communications Ltd. U.K. (Technical Consultant)
1995-1996, Research Assistant of the University of Liverpool
1998-1999, Hantel Co., Korea (Consultant)
2004-2004, Plymouth University, U.K. (Research Fellow)
2006-2007, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A. (Visiting Professor)
2008-2012, Executive Director of the Office of International Relations, PKNU
2015-2016, Chiba University, Japan (Visiting Professor)
2018, Keynote, 11th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
2017-present, Senior member of IEEE
2017-present, Member of Editorial Board, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer
2017-present, Member of Editorial Board, Internet Technology Letters, Wiley
2015-present, Associate Editor, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems
2018-present, Associate Editor, IEEE Access
2019-2019, Lead Guest Editor, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (SCIE), Hindawi
2019-present, Guest Editor, Electronics (SCIE), MDPI
2019-present, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control (Scopus)
2020, Recipient of Busan Science and Technology Award, Busan Metropolitan Government, Korea
2020, Keynote, CSNDSP 2020, Porto, Portugal (Virtual)