Welcome to MTS Lab

Mobile/Optical Transmission Systems Lab
1. Full-time Research Professor or Postdoc Researcher
2. Fully Funded PhD/Master Students
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1. full-time reserach professorships or post-doctoral positions on optical wireless communications are available. A detailed CV and a list of research publications are required via email titled “[Post-doc. Application]”, at yhchung@pknu.ac.kr.
2. BK21 or regular funds sponsored PhD/Master positions on optical wireless or RF communiations are also available, which supports fees, living expenses and others from the BK21 funds. For enquiries, feel free to contact Prof. Y.H. Chung at yhchung@pknu.ac.kr.
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.
The 21st century we live in now is the century of innovation combined with global knowledge, information, and experience. Global digital networks tie up the world and expedite a borderless global village.
Wireless communication technologies play a key role in this innovative change. The Mobile Transmission System (MTS) lab pursues developments of innovative RF and optical wireless technologies that facilitate a tetherless society. With a strong background of advanced RF technologies, MTS pursues software and hardware developments in optical wireless areas such as Optical OFDM, Visible Light Communications (VLC) using LEDs and cameras, Localized VLC, Infrared or Ultraviolet Wireless Communications, Underwater VLC, Healthcare VLC, Drone communications as well as VLC based positioning. In addition, we conduct various hardware based developments, in particular, camera-based intervehicular VLC, LED-based V2X or I2V, etc. As of January 2021, we have published 65 papers in prestigious international journals (SCI/SCIE) as well as 54 international and domestic conference papers. Details can be found at Publication section of this website. We have also registered 12 patents in Korea and four are pending from the developments.
The MTS is deeply interested in international collaboration in any mutually consented forms with any prospective research or industry partners to achieve international goals and global competitiveness. To facilitate and promote these objectives more effectively, we continue to seek outstanding international graduate students with scholarships (tuition, living expenses, etc.) to stay ahead of our focus areas and also to make significant academic contributions.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to this vibrant MTS and also to Pukyong National University (PKNU), Busan, Korea.
Any inquiries can be forwarded to yhchung@pknu.ac.kr.
Yeon Ho CHUNG, Ph.D.(Liv), D.I.C.,
Professor of MTS,
Senior Member, IEEE Photonics Society,
Editor-in-Chief, Int'l Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control (Scopus)
Editor, Wireless Personal Communications (SCIE),
Past Exec. Director of Office of Int'l Relations, PKNU
방문을 환영합니다
우리에게 다가온 21세기는 세계화, 지식 정보화, 문화가치의 창출과 다변화가 화두로 떠오르고 있는 변혁의 세기입니다. 지식 정보화의 결실로 태동한 디지털 정보망은 세계를 하나의 마을로 엮었고, 새로운 삶의 양식을 요구하고 있습니다. 이러한 변화의 중심에 서 있는 기술 분야가 바로 무선통신 기술입니다. Tetherless Society 를 만들고 서로를 연결 시켜주는 궁극적 통신 수단인 RF 및 광무선통신기술, H/W 개발이 본 연구실의 연구 목표입니다. 다양한 연구 및 측정장비, 하드웨어, 연구용 소프트웨어를 갖추고 실내외 가시광선통신 (LED), 비가시광선(적외선,자외선) 통신, V2V, V2X, 드론 통신, 수중통신에 관해 연구하고 있습니다. 뿐만 아니라, 차량안전, 센서를 이용한 안전제어, 무선충전 등 하드웨어 연구 개발도 수행하고 있습니다.
이동전송시스템 연구실은 해외 자매 연구실과 교류관계를 지속적으로 구축하고 있으며 우수 외국인 대학원생에게는 전액 장학금을 지급하여 보다 수준높은 연구 및 개발을 수행하고 있습니다.
많은 관심과 성원을 부탁드리며 유익한 방문이 되기를 기원합니다.
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